birthday messages for mom


birthday messages for mom

The mother is the greatest person present in the life of every human being, and because the mother’s virtue is great and it is difficult for any person to give the mother what she deserves, no matter what he does, for this we will show you some words and phrases to congratulate the mother on her happy birthday, which is a kind of way in which we express our feelings to the mother towards it.

  • A bouquet of roses from the garden of my heart, spread it between your palms and tell you I love you, mom. Happy birthday, and Happy New Year, mom.
  • Today is my mother’s birthday, every Eid, and you are with me, Mama, may God prolong your life. You grow up and your love grows inside me. Your birthday is the birthday of the sweet days of my life. Happy birthday to my mother.
  • What is her birthday alone? It is the birthday of my sweet life, and the days are every year, and you are fine, and inside me you live every year, and you are a blessing.
  • Today is the birthday of the greatest woman in the world and the person who made me cling to life the most. I hope that God will prolong her life. I love my mother.
  • The birthday of the most beautiful and tender creature in the world, O Lord, make my day before her day. Happy birthday, the most beautiful and kindest creature in the world. O Lord, make my day before her day, my mother, my heaven. Happy birthday.
  • Today is my mother’s birthday, may God keep her as a blessing in my life, and a crown on my head, and grant her health and long life, and preserve her for us, Lord.
  • The best day of my life is my mother’s birthday. Your birthday will always be the greatest date in my life. Happy birthday, the kindest, kindest, and most beautiful mother in the world. May God keep you for me and prolong your life. Mom, I love you.
  • My mother’s birthday, happy new year, my love, and I wish you a million years to hear your voice standing beside me with your love.
  • Happy new year, my dear lady, my beloved, my dearest soul and my blood, my nostalgia, and all of you are good, O Lord, keep you, my mother.

my mother’s birthday

The mother is the greatest person in every person’s life, and because the mother’s grace is great, and it is difficult for any person to give the mother what she deserves, no matter what he does, so we will show you my mother’s birthday.

  • A bouquet of roses from the garden of my heart, spread it between your palms and tell you I love you, mom. Happy birthday, and Happy New Year, mom.
  • Today is my mother’s birthday, every Eid, and you are with me, Mama, may God prolong your life. You grow up and your love grows inside me. Your birthday is the birthday of the sweet days of my life. Happy birthday to my mother.
  • What is her birthday alone? It is the birthday of my sweet life, and the days are every year, and you are fine, and inside me you live every year, and you are a blessing.
  • Today is the birthday of the greatest woman in the world and the person who made me cling to life the most. I hope that God will prolong her life. I love my mother.
  • The birthday of the most beautiful and tender creature in the world, O Lord, make my day before her day. Happy birthday, the most beautiful and kindest creature in the world. O Lord, make my day before her day, my mother, my heaven. Happy birthday.
  • Today is my mother’s birthday, may God keep her as a blessing in my life, and a crown on my head, and grant her health and long life, and preserve her for us, Lord.
  • The best day of my life is my mother’s birthday. Your birthday will always be the greatest date in my life. Happy birthday, the kindest, kindest, and most beautiful mother in the world. May God keep you for me and prolong your life. Mom, I love you.
  • My mother’s birthday, happy new year, my love, and I wish you a million years to hear your voice standing beside me with your love.
  • Happy new year, my dear lady, my beloved, my dearest soul and my blood, my nostalgia, and all of you are good, O Lord, keep you, my mother.

mother’s birthday

  • My dear mother, you are a piece of my heart, and you are the most beautiful person in my life. Happy new year.
  • My mother, you are safety and security, and you are reassurance. I dedicate to you the most beautiful and most precious phrases on your birthday, the most precious of my soul.
  • My mother, there is no joy except when you are next to me. You are the source of tenderness with your love, my mother. Happy new year.
  • The night has an end, and life has another, but honestly, your love for Lina has no end. We love you, Mama. Happy New Year, Mama.
  • The most wonderful of hearts is your heart, the most beautiful of words is your whisper, and the sweetest thing in my life is that you are my mother.
  • I can’t imagine my life, mother, without you, you are the most precious thing in this existence. Happy Eid, and wish you a million years.

Mother’s birthday messages short

  • I hope from God that you will be safe, my mother, year after year, and I celebrate your birthday every year and you are fine.
  • Thanks to you, my mother, happiness does not go away, and you are the tenderness and healing for all wounds and the balm for my life. Happy new year.
  • My mother, you are the beautiful heart, I grieve when you are away from me, and Happy New Year, my mother.
  • You are more beautiful than plants, more luminous than the moon, and more beautiful than flowers. Happy New Year, mom.
  • Mom, if the world was on one side and you on one side, I would choose you, and today I came here to tell you the most beautiful birthday.

Mother’s Day Facebook posts

  • May my mother, O God, be in your trust, in your deposits, in your protection, be her helper, savior, refuge, for she is the blessing for which I will continue to praise you as long as I live.
  • My prayer for my mother on Mother’s Day is that my Lord will grant her a life beyond her age, happiness above her happiness, and days as beautiful as the beauty of her heart.
  • Oh God, protect my mother for me with your eyes that do not sleep. Oh God, fulfill her wishes and grant her from where she does not count.
  • Because today is my mother’s birthday, all I hope from my creator is to perpetuate her health and wellness and preserve her for me all the years.
  • And on Mother’s Day, I will summarize everything, and I tell God to protect her from all evil, to perpetuate her laughter, remove her distress, and make her tender heart happy, which saves me when I am sad and shelters me when I fall.

Every year, you are the sweetest mother

  • Every year, you are the sweetest mother
  • Oh God, make my mother in your deposits, and protect you, make her happy, shining like the sun, for she is the most precious thing I have, and make her feast the most beautiful and sweetest.
  • Oh God, I beg you to perpetuate my mother’s smile, happiness, laughter, and conversation, so that not a day is without her, for she is the most precious thing in my life.
  • On every Mother’s Day, I will keep repeating prayers for my mother, that it removes her worry, comforts her heart, and fills her life with joy, happiness, and pleasure.

Happy new year to my mother

  • Happy new year to my mother
  • Today is the birthday of the most precious human being. May my Lord keep you for me. There is no language in this world that can express your love, my mother. You are like the stars that always illuminate the way for me. I wish you a happy birthday. I love you, my mother.
  • For you alone, my mother, who urges congratulations, who deserves to wish him a long life, every year, and you are the most beautiful things, happy birthday.
  • I wish your feast would return to us, O mother, O heart of loyalty, O origin of all affection, whatever you describe and whatever I say about you, I will fall short of your right before the Lord of the servants, without you, my mother, I would not have existed in the world, and how can I forget you, my mother, in the sweetest holidays.
  • Happy birthday to my loving mother, to my beloved mother, to our beloved mother, time has passed, to my mother, everything is beautiful, every year and you are good.
  • My mother is a holiday for my heart every day, her birthday is a birthday for the sweet days in my life, you are a year older and your love grows in my heart.
  • A bouquet of roses from the garden of my heart, spread it between your palms and tell you I love you, mom. Happy birthday, and Happy New Year, mom.

happy Mother’s Day

  • Half of happiness is my mother and the other half is a prayer from her.. Lord, do not deprive me of her presence. Happy new year, dear. Happy birthday.
  • Happy birthday, my dear mother. Oh God, grant my mother happiness, love and goodness, and do not grieve her heart for the rest of her life. Happy birthday, my mother.
  • My dear mother, how many and many you carried from my heart, O sea of ​​tenderness and tenderness. I love you, a word that has no meaning besides your love, my mother, the most precious thing in existence. Happy birthday to your heart.
  • My mother, for your sake, I drew my letter with an ink light in the depths of my heart. I love you, my love. Happy birthday and a year full of goodness, here, and happiness.
  • Happy birthday to the dearest people to my heart, my mother, you are a paradise for our home and a provision from God that He gave us.
  • Happy new year, my dear mother, whom I do not exchange for the treasures of the earth. Happy new year, my mother.
  • Today is the birthday of the greatest, kindest, and kindest person in existence. Oh God, replace my mother’s sadness with lasting joy, and never let her heart grieve. Happy birthday, my dear mother.

Greetings to the mother

Children are heaven at her feet, happiness is next to her, no matter how bad the child’s behavior is, anxiety can always be forgiven, because the mother is the source of tenderness, warmth and reassurance. In this paragraph, we will show you the coolest and most beautiful words of greeting to the mother.

  • Happy new year, my beloved lady, my mother, every year and you are good, every year and my mother is good
  • The sweetest and most beautiful birthday of my beloved lady, my mother, and the light of my eyes. Happy New Year, Mama. Happy New Year, and you are beautiful and enlightening our lives with your beautiful presence. Every year, you are the sweetest and most beautiful thing my eyes have ever seen.
  • The sweetest, most beautiful, and kindest mother in the universe. Happy new year, my mother. Happy new year to you, the most beautiful and sweetest mother in the universe. May God keep you for me and always reassure you of all the best.
  • My mother, my heart of loyalty, my origin of all Wydad, whatever you describe and whatever I say about you, I will keep your right before the Lord of the servants, without you, my mother, I would not have existed in the world, and will I forget you, my mother, with the sweetest holidays, your feast, my mother, is the joy of everyone in existence .
  • Mother and mistress of my soul, I promise to love you with all my heart, obey you with all my effort, and pray for you with all my faith. Who else deserves all this, my angel?
  • To the most precious one in my life, my friend and the well of my secrets, my beautiful mother. Happy New Year, my love. Happy New Year, and you are the sweetest and most beautiful woman in my life. Without you, I am not worth anything.
  • Every new birthday to you, Mama, and you are a thousand good, health and safety, every year and you are always suffering and enlightening our lives, the light of my eyes and his whole life, you are the most beautiful mother in the world.
  • Happy new year, my mother, every birthday is fine for you and in great happiness and joy from God, may God bless you with goodness in your life forever.
  • I think that she does not want our eyes, or that we sacrifice her with our lives, as she is more merciful to us than ourselves, but she wants us to respect and obey her orders, appreciation, and give her her rights of care, kindness and mercy, so every year and you are a thousand good, my dear.

Happy birthday my dearest mama

God Almighty has commanded us to be righteous and benevolent to parents, especially the mother, because of the hard effort she exerted in raising children from the moment of conception and throughout the life of the son in his upbringing. For this reason, a day is prepared every year on which the mother’s birthday is celebrated, and this is a kind of expression and thanks that children give to mothers. This is done by presenting some simple gifts and messages.

  • My mother, forgive me if I was absent from you, my mother, my beloved lady, I wish your feast would come back to us, my mother, a heart of loyalty, the root of all affection. My mom has the best holidays.
  • Mom, another year passed with everything in it. Your presence with us was the best thing in it. A bouquet of roses from the garden of my heart, I spread it between your palms and tell you, I love you, mother.
  • O Lord, every minute that passes for my mother, open for her a door of sustenance that is not blocked and a prayer that is not answered.
  • You are the whole sea, and I am the wave, no matter how high my wave is, my return to you, mother.
  • Mother, hearts do not beat except for you, and rocks do not soften except for your tenderness, you are the true love.
  • I am a piece of your heart and you are the whole heart, mom.
  • I love you, my mother, my concern in the world is your satisfaction, the most precious person I have known in my life.
  • Sorry mom, you are not the most precious thing in my life, but you are my whole life.
  • The most wonderful heart is your heart, the most beautiful words are your whisper, and the sweetest thing in my life is that you are my mother.
  • My mother, my world with you is sweet, and the word mama is in my lips ghinwa.
  • If I had a lot of worries and I had to work in the heap between your arms, everything would be easier.
  • Mom, candle of the universe, Happy New Year always. Mother, be safe year after year, and celebrate your day every year more beautiful than year.

My mom’s birthday. Facebook

My mother’s birthday Facebook The mother has a great position and position in Islam, as she is the first teacher and direct example for her children, and she is for the family like the heart of the body, and her role as a mother is a sublime and great role, as she gives birth to children, embraces them, and contributes to preserving the human race.

  • Happy birthday, my dear mother. Oh God, grant my mother happiness, love and goodness, and do not grieve her heart for the rest of her life. Happy birthday, my mother.
  • Happy new year, my beloved mother. Today is the birth of a woman, may God bless her with health and wellness. Happy birthday, my mother
  • Happy birthday to the dearest people to my heart, my mother, you are a paradise for our home and a provision from God that He gave us.
  • Happy new year, my dear mother, whom I do not exchange for the treasures of the earth. Happy new year, my mother.
  • Happy birthday to my mother, the sweetest mother in the world, I love and respect you. You are a perfect mother. May God bless you for me, my mother. Happy birthday.
  • Today is the birthday of the greatest, kindest, and kindest person in existence. Oh God, replace my mother’s sadness with lasting joy, and never let her heart grieve. Happy birthday, my dear mother.
  • Every year, my mother is near me and my heartbeat, my mother’s heart is like the purity of snow, I love you, the crown of my head, happy birthday, my beloved lady

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